of Zakat Potential in Indonesia
Muhammad Firdaus, Irfan Syauqi Beik, Tonny Irawan, Bambang
Dhul Qa’dah22 1433H | October 09, 2012
The Government of Indonesia has granted zakat fund as one of financial sources for the
country in addition to tax fund. The collection and distribution of zakat fund should be
improved continuously. For indonesia case, the number of research related to zakat potential
is still limited. This study aims to estimate the potential of zakat in Indonesia and explore the
relationship between demographic characteristics and zakat payment. The primary data were
obtained through survey in two cities and two districts comprising 345 households, whereas
the secondary data were obtained from many sources. The empirical analysis are done
through descriptive and multivariate analysis. The results show that total of all zakat
potential in Indonesia from various sources is approximately 217 trillion rupiah. This number
is equal to 3.4% of Indonesia’s 2010 GDP. The study shows that education, occupation and
income are important factors which influence respondent’s frequency and choice of place
when paying zakat and alms.
The zakah potential divulged in this study was the household, company,
and savings zakah potential. The household zakah potential was calculated
based upon the 2009 SUSENAS data from all 33 provinces in Indonesia using the
rice nisab approach. The 2009 total household zakah potential using the rice
nisab was 82.7 trillion rupiah. The company zakah potential is differentiated into
two groups; the processing industry zakah potential and other industries’ zakah
potential. The company zakah was calculated based upon the 2006 economic
census data. The 2006 total zakah potential from the processing industry and
other industries was 114 trillion rupiah. If calculated from the BUMN earnings
alone, the total zakah potential was 2.4 trillion rupiah.
The savings zakah potential based upon the groups of owners was: for
BUMN and mixed government owned savings 1.2 trillion rupiah and for BUMN
and BUMD, which are a part of government owned non‐monetary institutions,
owned savings 2.2 trillion rupiah. The bank group zakah potential for 2010 is
divided into two groups, Persero banks and regional government owned banks.
The calculations show that the Persero bank group’s zakah potential was 13
trillion rupiah, whereas the regional government bank group’s was 3 trillion
rupiah. If only the zakah potential belonging to the third party, the sharia banks,
is calculated, the 2009 zakah potential from wadiah giro was 155 billion rupiah
and from mudharabah deposits 739 bilion rupiah.
Thus, the total of all zakah potential in Indonesia from various sources, i.e.
household earnings, company earnings, and savings, is approximately 217 trillion
rupiah. This number is equal to 3.4% of Indonesia’s 2010 GDP. If the processing
industry and other industries’ zakah potential are subtracted, Indonesia’s total
zakah potential is approximately 102 trillion rupiah.
The people’s perception shows that most respondents still choose to have
accounts in conventional banks. But the trend to have accounts in sharia banks
shows an increasing trend for respondents with a higher education to open
6accounts in sharia banks due to the heightened awareness. Most of the
respondents surveyed, coming from various social backgrounds, claim that they
have already paid their zakah. Only around 8.5% of the 345 respondents admit
to not paying their zakah. The results of alms‐paying routines analysis show that
most of the respondents routinely pay alms; only 20.8% from the 345
respondents surveyed did not pay alms routinely. The alms‐paying routine is still
dominated by those who have large incomes and expenditures.
Most of the respondents pay their alms on a monthly basis. The monthly
alms‐paying is mostly done by the office workers such as BUMN employees, civil
servants, and private company employees due to the fact that they receive their
salaries once a month. Most respondents from various social backgrounds
(different occupations, educational backgrounds, incomes, and expenditures)
choose to pay their zakah on a yearly basis.
The place of choice for paying zakah in this study was the formal and
informal amil zakah institutions. According to the calculations, approximately
755 of the respondents chose informal amil zakah institutions as the place to
pay their zakah. But based upon the type of occupation, the private company
employees, government and BUMN employees and the people with higher
education chose to pay their zakah at formal amil zakah institutions.
The respondents’ characteristics based upon their reason for paying
alms, their zakah and alms paying periods and their choice of place to pay zakah
were analyzed using the Likert scale. The people who pay alms tend to have a
stronger faith, more altruism and higher self‐appreciation. On the other hand, if
the reward received is better, they tend to not pay their alms routinely.
Generally, the respondents who pay zakah on both periods (monthly and
annually) have a stronger faith, appreciation, altruism, and self‐appreciation.
The place of choice to pay the zakah/alms also affects the respondents’ choice
to pay the zakah on a monthly basis. The respondents who pay zakah to formal
institutions have a good judgment of the organization’s performance. But there
is almost no significant difference between the perceptions of those who pay
their zakah to formal or informal institutions.
The factors that influence the respondents in paying the zakah and alms
were analyzed using the logistic regression method. The factor influencing their
willingness to pay alms routinely are: they routinely read religious publications,
they believe in divine rewards, they believe paying alms/zakah will help them in
earning their livings, they find pleasure in helping the needy and they are welleducated.
The significant variables that influence the choice of zakah paying
period are income, alms‐paying frequency, and belief that zakah is a must. The
logistic regression analysis shows that the factors that influence the respondents
choice in where to pay their zakah are education, occupation, income, zakahpaying
frequency, the belief that paying the zakah and alms are a form of
gratitude to Allah, guilt when they don’t pay, the amil zakah institutions
socialization efforts through mass media.
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